Auntie Nancy’s Political Machine Is Hard At Work In Attempts to Save Nephew Gavin From Recall
3 min readThe Democratic political machine attempted to shed a negative light on Recall Gavin 2020. Rusty Hicks, chair of the California Democratic Party, referenced the recall petition during a press conference earlier this week and compared it to the rioters who infiltrated the peaceful rally and breached the U.S. Capitol.
Hicks stated that “Some of the same individuals and groups who were encouraged by California Republican leaders and attacked the people’s house are also engaged in a recall effort against Governor Gavin Newsom right here in California, This recall effort, which really ought to be called ‘the California coup,’ is being led by right-wing conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, anti-vaxxers, and groups who encourage violence on our democratic institutions.”
It seems like Randy Hicks is another Democrat extremist reaching in efforts to get the democratic mob to attack the constitutional rights of Californians.
The comments from Hicks come shortly after the recall petition reached a little over one million signatures with nine weeks left to obtain the roughly 500,000 more signatures needed.
The people are being heard loud and clear it is not only Republicans signing the Recall Gavin 2020 petition, it is Californians from different parties, backgrounds and religions.
Orrin Heatlie, the lead proponent of the official, said in a statement. “The movement to Recall Gavin Newsom as Governor of California is fueled by tens of thousands of supporters, everyday Californians who are going door to door and getting signatures signed by their friends, family and neighbors.”
Randy Economy, Sr. Advisor for the Recall Gavin 2020, referenced the Rusty Hicks press conference as a “farcical and bizarre press conference” held by the state’s Democrats and disputed the claims that the campaign was linked to right-wing extremist groups as “horrendous”. Randy Economy Stated, “This campaign that we’re doing here is not about Democrats or Republicans, it’s about the people who really are the heart and soul of California. We’re not extremists, we’re not lefties or righties or Proud Boys or Antifa or Black Lives Matter, we’re just California.”
Rusty Hicks referring to the recall as a coup was a mistake and shows his lack of knowledge as to what a coup is. A coup typically involves the violent and illegal overthrow of a legitimate government. Referring to the recall as a Republican agenda further shows the true intentions of the Democratic party, which seems only to be to push their own selfish agenda and continues to promote division amongst Americans.
Americans exercising their Constitutional Right is not a “coup” it is the freedom America is founded upon.
Democratic Leaders have thrown the word “coup” around improperly all week and referencing Recall Gavin 2020 as a “coup” is just a last ditch effort by Auntie Nancy’s political machine to take credibility away from this amazing movement.
Section 13 of the Constitution
Text of Section 13:
Recall is the power of the electors to remove an elective officer.[1]
Section 14 of the Constitution
Text of Section 14:
(a) Recall of a state officer is initiated by delivering to the Secretary of State a petition alleging reason for recall. Sufficiency of reason is not reviewable. Proponents have 160 days to file signed petitions.
(b) A petition to recall a statewide officer must be signed by electors equal in number to 12 percent of the last vote for the office, with signatures from each of 5 counties equal in number to 1 percent of the last vote for the office in the county.
Signatures to recall Senators, members of the Assembly, members of the Board of Equalization, and judges of courts of appeal and trial courts must equal in number 20 percent of the last vote for the office.
(c) The Secretary of State shall maintain a continuous count of the signatures certified to that office.[1]